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Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin • Page 4

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin • Page 4

Green Bay, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

loosened latch Strings. The ReMdencw to be Open on New Years pay. TO-DAY'S ADVERTiaMEKTS VURK BOILED ANU CLARIFIED. Special Notick to the Tuadk ant) coxsumeks. We deem it but just to ourselves and our agents, to notify you that several so-called "Standard Packers' are bringing oysters to Chicago in bulk, by freight, three and one-half to four days on the way, and after thorough washing, packing them to suit any price desired.

All know that the only way to bring oysters 800 miles from the sea coast, is to open fresh from the shell and put them in the cans in Baltimore- In Jail. In the report of the disposition of the ciiso of William Hambitzer in the police court, an error was made in saying that the court let him off. He was sentenced to twenty-oue days imprlsnunient for the offence of following young girls, as charged, and $200 bonds required, to keep the peace three months. In default of the requisite security he wisVom-mitted for a further term. Not Kxartlv.

The case of John V. Michot, upon Ufer'reports, assrames a little -different character. The facts as detailed in this paper were exact, except as to the manner 'of his getting possession of the letters of the Gray family found, In his possession. It was at fi ri thought by, tlienuthori-ties," as reported," that Michot gained access to Mr, Gray's Office dravveyhj.s turns out to be a mistake, be letters onet baring date of 1S75, and as these aii.y State Gazette FRIDAY DEC 2. 1870.

"Green Bay Post-OMce. tl ouks a. in. lo 7 p. m.

Sundays. 9 :00 to 10 a.m MAILS ARRIVE. rom South via C. N. W.

R. R. 7:20 a. 9:40 p.m. From North, Tia C.

A N. W. R. 800 p. From West, via G.

iJ. Minn. R. RFromUwaukee, via Wis. Cen'l R.Ild;iily,8,35a.ta.iand p.m.

From Shawano (stan). Mondays, WtKlneadays and 5:30 p.m. Friii Stcjeon Bay.Jaily,7:00 p.m.. From Two Rivers (stage), Mon-iuys, Wednesdays hi Fridays, 6 p.m.

From Kewaunee (sthge), Wednesdays and Saturdays. 6 oo p. m. MAILS CLONK. 5.outh.via AX W.R.

a pC m. North, via CAM. W. R. 8:45 WeaU G.

R-A Minn. R. A. Ill- Milwaukee, via Wis.Cenl R. a a.

m. To Sliawano. Tuesdays.Tb ursday and Saturdays, a. m. To Ray, daily, 6 a.

m. To Tw Rivers, Tuesdays, Tburs-hvs and Saturdays, 6 a.m. To Kewaunws Tuesdays, and Fridays, 6a.m. Maney Ordex Department open a. w.

to 6 p. ui. W.C. K. THOMAS.

P.M. cut See notices of found shawl and glove. Those wishing to obtain pure rider will be interested in a notice in another column. The case against Van Stralen's bondsmen, which was adjourned over vesterdav. was resumed this morning.

The lecture to be given at the rresbyterian Church in Fort How ard, this evening, by thePasUr, Rev Mr. Street, will be worth hearing. lie proposes to give his impressions of the Centennial Exposition. Ad mission free. The installation of officers of Waahineton Lodee occurred on the eveuing of the festival of St.

John as follows: J. M. W. F. Lvou.

S. J. II. Case. J.

D. W. King. Treas; D. 1.

Follett, Sec'y Pardee, M. V. B. Benson, It. Schwarz and E.

H. Wood Stewards; T. B. Catliu. Tiler.

1, The Late John L. Spurr. The telegram announcing the sad death of John L. Spurr of New Lon don, came too late last evening to al low of any comments. Mr.

Spurr was well known in this city, having been engaged with several gentle men residing here in mining opera tions in the Iron region. lie was partner with R. P. Harriman in the property purchased by the Green Bay Mining Co; and took an active part in organizing that company. He also had a lease of a tract adjoin tng their lands, and in company with parties here, organized a company known as the Spurr and Calhoun Minlnir Company.

This property was considered quite valuable at one time. Captain E. A. (Joodrich offer ed Spurr cash for his lease, which was promptly declined. The company Opened the mine and spent considerable money, with no returns, Mr.

Spurr invested in this operation" just previous to the panic; and tried hard to carry it, but the ore was low grade, nod could not be soH He had the mineral range for years, and probably bad as thorough a knowledge of toe land as any ex plorer in the business. Ond of his discoveries, known as the Spurr Mountain, ha-i proved a very valua ble property. He found the' deposit and purchased the land of Detroit parties, who, Home years later, after the discovery was made known, re-elaimed the land, claiming that they had only sold the timber. This claim was considered very thin, as timber had no value in that region at the time, but the courts decided the claim Spurr had to surrender a valuable property. By way of compliment, as they claimed, the company foiiued to.

work the property gave iiioi SOO shares of Its stock. Air. Spurr had invested largely in mineral iauds along the line of the Marquette, fl- A O. road, beyond Lake Michiganme. Some of them are undoubtedly rat uable, but the are in the wilderness yet.

After the sale of some of his interests at the north he went to New on and purchased a fine farm, making that his -t i Society. At a meeting of the First Presbyw terian Church.Fort Howard, held on "Wednesday Dec 27tb, tfce following were elected officers ofjthe Ladles Society: President Mrs. Calkins. -'iy-rt Vice President Mrs. Luckey," Treasurn -Mrs.

BelL feecretary Mrs. Allen. On motion it was resolved that the meetings for tbe election of, officers be held semi-annually by the church and congregation, and that the Treasurer and Secretary report every three months. On motion 'it wsb further resolved to have a church sociable semi-monthly. How to Make Money East;" is by buying your boots, shoes and fine slippers of Douville A Basche.

A new Stock of Boots and 8hoea, Fresh and Cheap at Remldy Known. Benson's Capciue Porous Plaster is an improvement on porous planters. hey diller from them On ac count of their rcmurkible activity. They relievo instantly and euro quicker than any plaster, liniment or compound. They will positively cure Local Rheumatism, Pleurisy, Sciatica, Acute Pains in the Hips, Side and Back Neuralgia, Local Nerve Disturbances and Kidney Complaint, Ordinary Ailments (for which external remedies aie will cure them in a few hours.

It is the most astonishing remedy of modern times. Superior t9 electricity and more i'uj ejt- jegetwble, and endorsed by over IhTee thousand physicians and druggists of excellent reputation. Try ilieni and be convinced. Beware Oi iin'ifntions under similar sounding iikjs. Price 25 cents.

ty 11 08K "Intending to Visit any part of Europe, or send or relatives or Mends, will find i to thii advantage to call on James Kerr, agent of the Red Star and Am Linear Steamers, at the oill-co of Jie Daily State Qasstte, Green Bay f. wtf NtRYOIUS DEBILITY. ital wenlincK or lej re union: a nthk ihifiistetl feeling, no en-ergy or courage; tho result of 111 Pill lit oor-voiU IndeNcrctiuiiN or excesNCN, or some drain upon the y-ttw, i slwuyg cured by HumhDhreys' Homeopathic Soecifio No 28 1 tooe ip and iDTigonttes the eyslein, diipel die gloom and, dMpoudeocy, imparts streogtb uml energy, tttoptke drain and rejuienatcs tbe entire man. Been uted twenty years with perfect success bj thou-smds. Sold by dealers Price, $100 per single vial, or $5.

U0 rer package of fite vial and $3. 00 rial of powder, tf ent by mail on receipt of prioe Address HtlMPUKCVS' HO.MKOI'A- 662 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Hollo wat's The Blood Is the Tery eppe'iot health and life. It furnilea $he unpooeats of fleeh, bone, muscle, nerrer )-. integun.ent. The stomnch is tie apparatus the arteries the Kiiwrirs "a4 the intestines the channels by which the waste matter is carried off.

Upon the stojuach and bowels these medicines act Simultaneously. 25et iper 1 IT') That Cough! From the sle of 50,000 bottles of Hale's Couith Cordial, sold in the northwest within the past year, on a guarantee to refund the money iu case of a failure tore, there was less than fifty bottles reRirneJ, being less than 00 failure in a thoutund This fae' speak- Tolures in fnvor of th wonderful remedy for Colds, ougna, r-ore i hrottts.urouchitiSjAstnuia, hysicians everywhere acknowledge their sirrprise- at the VrtmJerful results from the use of this medicine We au thonie J. Kobinson to wtrranta cure or return the money in case of a tiiTiare after using one-bait the bottle It id very pleasant to the taste, making it a verr u-siraoie rerael for children. seiU8daw6mo.

Lros's Eatiiaibox mas.ts beautiful glossy, lmuriant hair; prevents its fair ing out or turning gray. It has stood the test of 49 Is charmingly perfum ed, and bis bo rival. meb4dwlw SCARCITY OF MONEY. There is no doubt but the present con dition tf all kinds ot business and indus try is fearfully depresjed.atd It behoove every family to look carefully to their expenses. Winter is coming on when cbiidrro are liable to Croup, Whooping eio.

iougos anil void will pre vail every where, anJ Con- amptic with oilier tbrout and lung diseases, will carry of many; KThe? diseaacshottla not be Dfglei led. tills a e' expensive, tnd w. would adtise our people to uoe Bosohee'E German Syrup. It never has failed." One bottle at 79 eents wdl keep ynur wtsoe tamiiv well during the mater. 1 wo dores will any case.

Sold iofllllo'.) the United States, and by ruur lp Oregn Bay and Fort Howard, KNOW THYSEI.r. The Physiology of Marriage. A rctfiil GulcU for ibrnAnriedan oo'itcniptinit oa iu il'ititf th tel. toL-uuf ri prMiuciHin, ftnd Urn ttirtrt of rarly ahuirt nS rtfrUH, wittt rxtrniivo trati.o on tn vanoua private and Chronio Disaaaes Youth, Manhood and Woman. hod, with tn lait treatment, lha onlT work eiTina DreaerlDtlona eiiu.rat.Miii uvrryiainson liia 0uertkvoey- aortn knowing anU nurtljaU lhacH'ap booka patM, a ad 1SW pUU aa4 liisravinsFa af nfc umlar aralon A Private Medical TrHtjaean Sexual end CNrenta Waattntat, Impownre, Caaarrii.

Uav sar, Hupture.the Opium undr aealforlOcla. Medical Treatment and adticf.1 parinallr Ot'fca alter at Uii ftid anal reliable lna-ituta. which haabam iperatrd manr vrara undar a Coaoar fruia tlta Stale Ljat iilatun. Aildreit. 'lhe Med(oand Bnrgioal Inetltnte, Trademark Milwaukee, Wla.

mm MARTIN'S Genp.ral LandOffice GREEN BAY. I tale. Keal Estate I all klnds.for Money sent to 11 parti of Enj-one. Uoures rented passage tickets i nu ooiieotion made and from Eiop for ale. DRESSIAIAKIG.

The Mioses Dc-lly woull Reform the ladies of Ft. Howdrl, and wipiuilj that they have just opebid a firsi ilaas DRESS CLOAK making shop In Whlloey'Ja Block cor Muiu and Oroadwaiy Ft Howard, and are prepared to do at( work' in their line, MiasL. Dolierty is also erOpured to Cut. Fit and Make It HOY'S CUaxlIES. A call sodsited, nov9d2m ManhoodtHoW'Lost, How -a: Jatpal)lii(ijtlJirw ed.

fteVeLa Swell's Crlebrated Ea- er. 'HVf. HBwisr- aer on the radical mm (without meaCine) ol si-ianAToaauraa or Semi, nul VeufcDO, lavolnn'ary Seminal Loeea, Inporeeor, Mental and l'liyalcal Ineaparity, lmpliaieiiU to Marralge, elc. aleo, Uoiiuih. Viu.t, rm, Indue tiy eelf-lndul.

tenee er eexuul alravaence, A e. se-Prlce, 111 aaealed anvelope, only elz cents. l'be oelebrntf author, In Itiia almliable K-ay, clearly demnnetratee, froua a Ihlity years' eucremfal p.aoliee, tbul the alarming eenec qsree of el r-abuiie anay be cured without the dungereas ute of iDteroal m.dl. Cine or tho application of the knife; pointing out a mode ot cure ut once eimule, eertum, and hy mem of evry euderxr, no muUftr what his ooodltioa maj- he. may care hlmeeli elieaply, prlvutely.

ard radically. aercnia Lecture suoi-ia in tne Dante ol every noAth aad at-ery man to the land. "at anleraeal. In a aln eareiope, oay addreas, pott-paid, oa recoipt of eebta or two pott stamp a. Add ex, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL 41 Ana 5law Vorki Port Offlce Itoa, a.

Tin; Best In THE KILD rOWSS MM him 11 r.HPIl KEYS' nOMEOrATIUG SPECXFICi P. 7t7(lAu- iTiTr Tft i vV, 1 vt ir. -Tvi'v- innnnrK vt Si 1 iii-y nrp jut Tia! tvprlinc sl-hti'-H mill nuiToring. I'lirl well trletl rewrT iiMl laTaU cuitueiil ili)aklHli Koa. Cures, Cent, I ne rt, 14 J.

Worms, una lover. Worm Colic, JJ 3. 'r liiifCoIlu, or Teething of lnfuata, 55 4. lHHrrliora, of C'liilurcn or Adulta. S5 6.

layaentery, Oripiiij, llilioue Colic, ti C. hol VoniitiDff, 2S ouajliH, llronchitia, ti 5. INeurnlla, '1 ootliiiche, FnopArho, t). Ilradui lira, Suk lluWbp, Yertiso, ID. i ui-ilu, lliliout Ptoinmh, Si 11.

riiiprreed. or 1'ainlul 1'erioJy, SS 13. WhUes, too TrofiiKa rerioda, it IS. a roiip, Coujtii, 1WH ult S5 4. Knit lthrnm, 2'nipclaH, Kniptiona, ii 15.

ltheuiitutlaiu, lilivuuiatie 1'auui, ,,11 16. Kever nd Agne, Chill fever, Affuus, 17. lllr, tlwul oj icvJin, in. Jlilhnliny, nud BoroorWcak Eye. 60 in aoutf? or chronio.

Inrluema. it 80. viuUmt oougbii, U-A opfromwl Jlrtntliiw, V2. ltaoltm tinuiuiu liuiulnv, Is. Corofulu, iiImivoJ aluJ, fcwclliiiK'i, SI.

euei-ul IHitility, J'hyaiml nvakivae, Si. Iropy and acanty tk-crettone, ,8. Hrn fcUkueea, aicknciw fratu nOiug, S7. eiliiiit-y-JOUt aae, OrtiTcl, i Iarliilttv. 8euiioal WtMikneaa or lnToliintarjr diiliarsc, .100 Month, Cank.r, sr riuMrv Wrukncsa.vKtiniitlietMd.

60 91. I'nllHUI l-rrioaa, nu nmn. Hi 83. 1 pllepeey, riposma, ft. Mtuj' Panoo, .100 U.

IMpliUn-ria, ulceratl soru throat, tv. htvnlti touKettlons and fcruptiona, runt asES. Cnmr with abova 03 largo viola eed llanunl of diroctuiru, 10C Case (Morocco) of 20 lnrfre vmln ami Book, 8 00 arj Three remedies are lent by the casa or Ingle boa to any port of the coontry. free ot charge, oia reoelp ol price. Addieea Humphreys' -Homeopathic Medicine COe, CfOoSufid Ui'iwit, No.

b6i Baoauwat, YSBJL J. Robinson tr Co and J. VT. McKia oe7 Agrois, Grson tlay, WisooDSia jUQC24JWl THE PEOPLE WANT PROOF. There is no medicine prescribed by chysidans, or fold by Prussists, thai a.

immmmM. iiaart. imiDliailonau uu carries snch tvidenoe of its sjceass an superior virtue as Boiohee's Qerman Syrup for Bevere Coughs, Colds settled oo tbe breast. Consumption, or any dis. ease of the Throat and Lunge.

A proof of that fact 13 tl at apy pereoa araiciea, cau get ft Haaiple Dottle for 10 cents and try its superior effect before buying tbs regular si at 75 oents II bae lately been introduced in this county from Germany, and Its wonderful cores are as- totitsbiDK everyone that nse it Tbree doee will relieve any oase. Try it Sold by all druggists In Green Bay and Fort Howard. ENEMY OF DISEASE! TlllSFOKOFPAlN TO AN ANP BEAST la the Grand Old MUSTANG LINIMENT! WHICH HA irOUD THE TEST O. 40 VEAKS. THERE IS 0 ORR IT WILL 10T IT WILL OT CUKE, NO ACHaC, NO PAI.

THAT AM-XIC Ik THE III MAX BODY. OR Till-; BODY OF A IIOMftK OR OTHER DOMESTIC THAT DOM MOT YIELD TO IT MAGIC TOt'CM. A HOrn.E (OMIMJ iO er Oil, HA OFt SAVED THE LIFE Op A HUMAN ntlX, ANO REaTOHED TO LIFE US EFLL. KM MA A VAL UAULE HORSE. mar4dAwlyr ALLAN LINE! Ocguu Mail SteamHrs- Twtntyi Fall Power ed, and up to Saut Be tween Liverpool, Glasgow and Qusbei Portland and Carrying assengera, all classes, between prinoi pal points in Europe and America a lowest aie.

Cabin and. Saloon Aeoom mofjatiODe unexcelled. Shortest 6oa Route, Superior Ships, experienced uuieers. uisolpllned Crews Safety the governing rule. Three week It sailings each way.

Umigrant and Steerace Pasacagere of fered special Inducements and very beat aooommcjotions tjjrouh to all polo" Our agents all over the Tf eat cat the same favorable term aa ALLAN it lO BK.VL AOKNTg, Noe. 72 74 LaHalle 81 Chicago, ill. Aw-znarlUrrll A Great Novelty BOSTON me MILWAUKEE. SEND FOr. CATALOGUE TUK LARGEST LIME OF CJjrist mas Goods IN THE NORTHWpST.

Address, BOSTON 8 CENT 8 TORE, Wajtlniloa and East Water slreeu, Milwaukee. 43-fiw J. 'Robinson Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealars in Drugs, Medicines, RAINT8. BRUSHES, Xc 1 1 Perfumery Toilet Articles? PJ.U VINES.M3l'QJ3U Presoriptioni earefolly prepared by as Kiperienced Pharmaeiit fUK BEST SAVINGS BANK 1 Prom 1100 to S20Q, aeeordlng totoeatlos will buy a beautiful Jul id GUESNIER'S ADDITION, only one-third eaah and i monthly uatilpald, Uite are inereaalog Id value at sactt rate ta it purehaeeraare eure todoubie their aaonayia oae year.

Thlele tb beet lOTeatmenl yeoeaa Sad. A. vl.1aw-tfallf rata Bay.WUi. Ia The pleasant custom of neherini in the New Year by friendly calls has always prevailed to a great extent in Green Bay, and appearances indicate that on the approaching anniversary it will be observed fully to the usual degree. Probably not so many houses ai usual will be opened, for the reason that the ladit tf will congregate in mrger nuinucrs at houses of friends: but the number of ladies who will thus on that day, greet callers will undoubtedly be even larger than usual.

It is also probable that the gentlemen will be out in strong force. For the convenience of all concern-fed The Gazette presents the following list of residences to be open on that day, together with the ladies to beat the respective-houses. The list has been prepared with care and is as accurate as4tould be made toa day. We will republish it to-morrow and will make any corrections on additions that may be handed in before four o'clock to-morrow afternoon: I MAIS 8TREKT. At the residence of J.

S. Baker, Miss Louise B. Baker and Mrs. h. Kendall, assisted by Mrs.

P. It. Ken dall, Mrs. C. E.

Vroman, Misses de Neveu and Watrous of Fond du Lac, Misses Nellie Goodhue, Kittie Baker. Lizzie Mitchell and eaee Tyler. Mrs. R. M.

Winslow, assi ted by MissClara Winslow, Mrs. J. R. Wins-low, Mrs. Capt.

J. H. Elmore, Mins Kate Abranas, MissJulia Turrey sad Miss Katie Wheelock. i Mrs. Daniel M.

Whftntlyr fesiste livMrs.A. II. Reynolds. Mrs. II.

Whitney. Mrs. John Day Jr.a'rtA Miss Lilian Reynolds. CHERRY STREET. Mrs.

Dr. C. E. Crane and daughters Misses Marie and Bessie Desnoyer assisted by Mrs. Capt.

W. R. Bourne, Mrs D. 1 Follett and Mrs. A.

Pardee, Mrs. Colonel M. Maloney and daughter, assisted by Miss Nettie Haff of Oshkosh, Miss Helen Conk- lin and Miss Fannie C. Follett, Mrs. Dr.

A. II. Ellsworth and daughters. Misses 'Lillie'aod Ella, assisted by Miss Jo.sie Hickox Mrs. F.

S. Ellis and daughters, as sIstedbyMrs. W. R. Hancock.

-ami Miss Hattie Whitney. ADAMS STRElCT, Mrs. J. D. the residence of Col.

Chapman, assisted by 53 Van Norstraud, Mrs. and the MissesCoruelia and Angeline lloeffel. Mrs, W. II. Norris and daughter assisted by Mrsi.

M.P. Lindsley, Ifrs, Dr. G. Lamb, Misses Maud Nathan and Lizzie Lindsley, and Miss Marian Hull, of Milwaukee. Miss Kimball and Mrs.

n. Walker will preside at the resi dence of A. by Mrs, R. W. Nathan, Mrs.

i. T. Alton. tb Misses Carrie and Emma Albright, and Miss Flora Van Norstraud. Mrs.

E. Morrow and daughters, assisted by Mrs, Eliza Sayre, Mi. Geo. G. Greene, Mrs, Capt.

J.P- Tro well, Tboinseon and Miss Rulb A. Mrs, A. Robinson anJduufihteTs, assisted by Mrs. Dorr Clark, Mrs. 1 D.

Suydani, Hattie Irwin, Einma lrwinj Freddie Crane, Pidgie Whitney.MdllieParits. Katie King, Libbi Crane and. Miss ifeiie weii, 01 Aumauaee, 1 i oA I ErfCRSON 6TKEET. Mrs Wm; Mitchell and daughte Misses Sall'ie and Debbie Martin, ibti traue, Clark and Mrs, A. E.

Holmes, assisted By Mrs. J. G. llenshall, Mrs. W.

Mc- Fayden; Mro. F. S. Ellis, tbe Misses Burrftt, Allie McFayden, Carrie Sherwood and Nettie Oatiey.rc Mrs. Piatt B.

Greene and daught ers, assisted by Mrs. H. W. Chapman, Mrs. Joseph Harris, Mrs.

Van Buren Bromley, Misses "Weiss and Hants Mrs. I. G- Beaumont and daughter. Miss My, assisted by tUe Misses H4tle and JTannia Tro well, and Miss Emma Haff, or oshkoMi" Mrs. Henry Strong and daughters.

Mr. IJ. B. Last, assisted by her MiCeurtv of Oshkosh, Mrs. J.

M. Shoemaker, Misses Fannie Last, and Lydia easfta'v! ueiiV-J: Mrs. Charles II. Whitey corner of Lawe assisted by 1 Mrs A II. Vrtn Norstrand, Mrs.

Geo. E. Hoskinson and Mrs. Jule R. Morris, MADISOU ST.

COK. OK SPKIXO Mrs. A. E. Potter and daughter assisted by S.

R. Cotton, Mrs. L. Day.Misses Mary Day Minnie and Cynthia Gardiner. MOtfKOK AyKNCK.

At reaidwu Charles LeClair, Miss Emily XCJair, assisted by 'her sisters Misses Rose, Cecelia and Phene 5nd Misses Kate.and Marion Gay lord -X Mrs. Geo. R. Cooke, assisted by her sister Mr3 Myra Holden, of Ohio, Misses Maggie Cooke and liertha Hoffman. 1 Mrt'Jamee1 Jtobb and daughters assisted oy Mrs.

XL conaun, Mrs. A. Lawton, Miss Sophie Lawton, Maggie Lake and Maud Eastman. FORT HOWARJ. Fisk, assisted by sihter Mrs.

SamL Ryan, of Arpleton, and Mrs. Dr. W. C. Corey, of Green Bay.

Mrs. Dr. U. II. Peak, assisted by her grand daughters, and other ladles.

For aale by tbe Gallon or Barrel to tie trade. Depot Martin Huber's old stand corner of Washington and Main streets. J. II krbma HVt Agent. dec29deodaw-tf FOISD, On Washinicton street, near Main, a Ladies Striped bhawl.

The owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this advertisement by calling at The Gazette Office. dec2d3t FOUSD. A Gauntlet Glove found on the street may be obtained by the owner by calling at thia oflioe and paying (or this advertisement. dec29J3t Atlantic Monthly FOR 1877. WEN1IET11 1 ISA It.

The publishers nave the pleasured announcing the fullowingattraotive feature of tbe Atlantic for 1S77. HMNRY W.LOMQ FELLOW will eontri. but unusual number of P0EM8, and JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL, JOHN WU1TT1ER, and OLIVER WEN-DELL HOLMES will also furnish FORMS. Poetry may also be eipected from K. C.

BTEOMJSN. T. B. ALDRiCH and other well known Atlantic poete. T.

Li ALMUCH will contribute a STO. RY in tbree parts, and CHARLES FRANCIS ADAM 8. a series or COLONIAL HISTORY. W. D.

H0WELL8 will publish TWO 8TQR1E8 IN DRAMATIC FORM, of three three numbers each, a novel feature ia magailne literature. Mr. Uewells will alao firnisk some charming essays on NKVY ENGLAND COCNTRY LIFE. MARK TWAIN will be a frequent contributor. MRS.

KEMBLE'8 chapters of OLD WOMEN'S will extend through a considerable portion of the year, and will continue to furnish delightful pictures of places, and people she has seen, CHARLES HALE will write ttw brief pantrs on EGYPTIAN LIFE, and G- P. LATHROP author of "A Study of Hawthorne, aeleral KSSAYS ON A-MERICAN AUTHORS. A VALUABLE SERIES OF PAPERS On various profession and employments will be furnished by distmiruU hed writers, and will describe Tbe Work of a School Superintendeut, a New England Farmer, a Western Farmer, a Managing Editor, a Coogresaman, a Cotton Manufacturer, a Pennsylvania Iron Maeter.eto. An unique feature of the magaiine for 1377 will be contributions to each num. ber of ORIGINAL MUSIC By euch composers as 1.

K. PAYNE. OEOKQE L. OSGOOD, JULIUS EICH-BERG. DUDLEY DUCK, and FRANCIS BOO ri, with words by some of the most distinguished Atla.itiu poets.

The At-LAMT1U has long stood alone in the value of its musical criticism, and the publish ere are confident of tbe public appreciation of their purpose) to give each month some freehand charming melody worthy of the poetry with which it match some song which shall be a pleasure to every household, and a means of education In musical taste- THE CONTRIBUTORS' CLUB Will be the title of a newaepartuie unlike any feature in other magatines, and devoted to desultory criticism ol arte, letters, polities, and society- Some of the best known pentributors to tbe mngasine will appear Constantly, though auony-mously, Is iteoolumas, and the Department will be bright and atrtactive, A 8PLEND1D LIFE-SIZE FOR. TRAIT OF BRYANT, Similar to the beautiful portrait of Mr. Lomof eliow published last year, and by the same artist, will be furnished to all subscribers of the Atlantic for 877 for Hingle or specimen numbers. 85 CENTS. Yewrly sabscrption, 84 with life-siie portrait of Bryant or Longfellow, with both portraits, All postage prepaid by the Publishers.

Remit by niuney-orJer, dratt, or registered letter, to U. Houuutom Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mae. U. O. HOUGHTON AND COMPANY Boston; KURD AND HOUGHTON, New York.

Late immense discoveries by Stanley and other- are jo-t oomplete added to tbe only Life and Labors of Livingstone. Thia veteran explorer rants among the most heroic men of the age, and this book one oi the fascinatipg, rlpbly illustrated and instriiclire tolumns ever issued Millions are eager for it, and agents are wanted for this and the "Centennial Exposition, Described and Illos. truted." Just oat. selling like hot cakes, For terms, address HUBBARD BROS, Chicago, 111. "41 6" Holiday Goods B.

FOLLETT SON are now reoieting tbsir stock of HOLIDAY GOODS atnODg whiob sro Mitoellaneoas Boosts, Fine Pooket Iooki. Prsyer Books, Picture Bookr Gold Peoi ud Peauils, Pearl Card Cases, Photograph Albania, Cigar Cases, Autograph Aibuma, Fancy Photographs( Picture Frames, Wall Brackets, Towel Hacks, Writing Desks, JV. Chess Meo, Fancy Writing Paper', Faooy Boxes and any amount of Fano Goods suitable for (he HOLIDAY S. dec7dawtf FOR One store room, three offices, and two suits of rooms suitable for small families, Shalor'e bloea, cor. Pins and Adam iKreota.

Apply ta WaaaiaasA Waaass. Oysters brought iu bulk to 'Chicago will neat ana lerment. wiuou uit-ucw sitates their being washed with our fresh, lake water, thereby destroying the entire flavor of the oyster. If tho weather is cold, bulk oysters will freeze in transporting, and to put theru in crhs it is necessary to thaw 'them with water, so doing the oyster is cut and bruiBed. Oysters packed in cans in Baltimore will keep fresh much longer-r-to say nothiug of their superior flavor than built oysters packed in Chicago.

The trade, as well as consumers, of oysters, know that many inferior oysters have neen foisted upon the in price, because either ot a poor quality or the cans only bait filled. Common sense teaches that a good article is worth more than a poor one. Our brand is never slighted It has obtained a good reputation, and we are. determined that no effort of ours shall be spared to keep it up. It is pronounced by all lovers of the delicacy to be far ahead of any in the market.

The name of our firm is stamped on the side of each can, with the imprint of our trade mark, a diamond. We make the oyster bustrw a specialty, and our house Iu Baltimore having increased and unsurpassed facilities ean at all times supuly the demand with good goods as low as any house in the trade, but we uo not wisn 10 compete our- full cans of good oysters with slop-nil. or Chicago bulk-packing that are tilled to suit nrices. Joannes Bros, Green Bay, are our wholesale agents for the northwest, to whom we ship lailv bv Toeic pnoes will always be found as low as good stock can be sold for. D.

D. Malloky Packers oi the Diamond brand oysters, Baltimore, Md, Attention. The above notice coming from. the largest and most reliable packers in the United States.explains itself. It also describes the oysters that are offered iu this city at lean price than mey can ouy oji rtw ru aqents in Chicago at whoUsule.

We are theonlv oyster dealers iu this city receiving our oysters by ex oretss. and refer to express books for prooi. 'All other oysters come by freight.and if unfrozen nave been thawed out. We ask the public to examine quality, measure, count oysters, and tllPIl IllrfilrL We also 'nave'" in bur stock-Oranges California Pears, Malaga and Catawba Grapes. Hickory uts.

Pop Corn, new Figs. Bananas, refined Cider, Davis Bros New Sugar Cured Hams and Dried Beef, pure Currant Jelly. New. Mince Meat, large variety in Raisins; Pear, Poach, Quince and Apple Butters, Hohdav Toys. Christmas Trees.

Toys, Ornaments, Cornucopias and Flying Wax Angela. CELEHT, CHICKENS AND TURKEYS, FRESH CANDIES AND NUTS. Call in and we will be pleased to show vou. decaodtf. Joannes Bros.

stop I Why? If you want to get a pair of boots or shoes cheap, just step in to Dou-vitje Bascbe'B mammoth shoe store, you can'f he)p being suited, they sell cheap. -dtcl6tf Notice to Smokers. Try the Boss Exposition Centennial 5 cent Cigars Manufactured only by F. GLAHlf, 44 Pine street. Green Bay.

novlOdtf Pueap Houses for rent. Apply at Gazette ornce. The Finest Stock of ladies fine kid button boots just received 1 for tha Holjilajr trade. cheap for cash, at Douville liasche 8. AU sizes ana varieties.

decl5tf New Year's Goods. Charles Berner has laid in an ex tensive stock.jf staple and fancy groceries expressly for New Year's, and invites the attention of the public thereto. Particular care has been taken in the selection of Fruits, and the assortment of fresh, canned ud preserved Fruit is exceedingly large. California Fears and Oranges in stock. All kinds of uts, fresh and of a superior quality.

Those con tem)latlrijf 'furnishing New Year's tables should Berner's complete stock be fore making t'jeir orders. Particu lar attention Is called to the choice varieties of Candies, just opened with a special reference to New Years. The public in general and the ladies' in particular kar; Jptited to call at Berners and carefully ex amine the weit selected stock. The prices will be found low and all or ders will be promptly and satisfactorily filled. K'1 3 dec.28.

Chas. Bebneb. i ej. M1LOBDBKAET At I. T10KL AST0R PLANING MILL BURKABT TICKLEK te have reDalred and refitted the above establishment and Af nop preparedto manufacture SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOLDING ti, oir t.

4 etc. etc We'make apeoUlties FURWUXKE. PUMPS PIVKET FENCE! Competent workmen employed and work exeouted in tne best style. JUkyOrdersiolieited and promptly fill. dat TheAstor Planing Mill, TICKLER.

Prewletore. identical letters had been left in the store on Main strrrtf formerly occupied by, Will Gray, Michot undoubtedly broke into that building and "gobbled" them. Michot is still in the county jail CityfloTltt's. CAVTIOX TO THE Pt'BLIC. Do not pay more than the follow ing prices for oysters: 40cts- Standard CUdeA UV.

25cts. dec2ft-atf1i '(' 'I PiKto A JDlk is Cheap, But figures tell the truth" For the we have sold 8156 cans of pjsters, being more than double tlie ntuduhl sold by all oihtr dealers combined in Green Bay and Fort Hoihdrd, besided a. largefquautity of bulk oysters. We give permission to refer tt ourr express books for pfiof. Ki'A Query If oysters sold in this city for 6cts.

per can less, are1 'better -'than oors, how is it that the public are so willing to pay this extra Octs to get D. D. Mallory Co's unfrozen express goods All our oysters conie direct from we handle more than half the amount sold in this city Ueiry'tkit half sold Inje, are packed in Chicago. Let them prove this statement. All our statements we can and are willing to prove, arid dare others to Stay the same.

dec26-dtf. Joannks Bras." Peksons desiiuno i ttf sen1 for friiids or relatives tire old eoimtry, will save ttiein ielyes much anxiety of mind as to their welfare and safety, by sending for them by either tbe "American" or Red Star" Steamship Lines.AFor rates and other information apply to James Kerr, agent of these favorite ynes, at the office of the Daily State Gazette, Green Bay, where rail road tickets may also be obtained for New York and Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Kail Road at low rates. Special Features in THE New Akgand Base Burner, ok -1, The entire absence from night of binges to the doors and windows, 2. The fire pots are larger and deeper than before, and the tion chamber increased accordingly in capacity, producing both in appearance and in effective heating power. Sizes one number larger than the uattern of 1875.

8. i The niT-itots are made to rotate so that no part 01 same need be pre maturely Uesiroytu, 4. An inclined plate, over the top nance or tire-pot, prevents an accum ulation af ashes upon it, so unpleas ant to the eye. 5. is made for replacing the tire-pot wltiiout dismounting the stove, by dividing the latter, mider the middle rinir into two parts.

6. The pipe-collar is arranged so as to use a vertical or horizontal exit pipe. 7. Hie lean are securely held in the use of Gibsons patent wedge. 8.

1 he openings for operating the slicer. to clean the clinkerless grate have ueen materially enlarged, 9. The illuminating surface has been largely increased. i 10. JL lie nickel plate foot-rail is adjustable: and.

together with the other plate ornaments; can be re moved at leasure, when desired. lhe Argand is lor sale, bv August Copei. dealer in stoves and general hardware. Call and exam ine my present stook of parlor and cooking 8tjves-before-purchnsing eisewnere. XUfM'RT OrtPBl.

Klaus Block, opposite Beaumont Green Bay. 'AJliYDo'You 1 docltf esitatk 9 Why don't you step right iu, if you want bargains in boots and Irshoes. You know there is no shoe house tlm city that can sell as cheap as Douville Basche. Why Because they buy for cash, and sell for cash. Their stock is larger than ever befoio.

Give us a call before going elsewhere. do wills 'tic Basciik, declStf 100 Earle's Block. Ladies, if you want to buy a nice Christmas present go to Douville Basche and buy a nice pair of fine slippers, they have the largest and most complete stock in the city. declStf Finest in the Land. Burt's hand and machine sewed fine boots and shoes, and an endless variety of all kinds of boots, shoes and slippers to be found at Douville Basche's, cheap for cash.


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